About us

SocialFinda began life with the first version of our Social Search Relevance Score (SSRS). SSRS allowed us to search and rank social media profiles by their relevance to specific chosen topics. We have applied this to influencer search and more general profile searches or profile matches, as well as for providing customer insight. Over time, we continued to improve upon our scoring algorithm and also expand our analyses and investigations to cover many other applications, including profile clustering, keywords, hashtags, trend analyses and more.

During our beta testing phase, we provide several packages of services containing reports on profiles of the most important and relevant influencers, potential partners and customers for our client’s business. Our packages also include reports on the hashtags or keywords that could provide the most exposure for our client’s posts. In combination with the deep market intelligence we provide, we may also suggest customized and personalized strategies to gain access to more customers, or promoters and other influencers. Ultimately, SocialFinda is here to help find and make connections with people.

The small SocialFinda team comes from a background of digital marketing and predictive analytics, bringing with us deep experience in data mining, including


Our Administrative Officer accepts all queries and questions at the listed email, you may also get in touch through this form.

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Administrative Officer email: admin ((at)) socialfinda.com
Data Protection Officer email: userdataprotection ((at)) socialfinda.com